Tuesday, May 25, 2004

More on Rick Biggs

Passed on from the Galactic Gateway mailing list - note the correction in spelling of Lori's name.


A memorial service for Rick will be held Wednesday, May 26, at 1 p.m. at Emmanual Lutheran Church, 6020 Radford, North Hollywood, CA.


Letters about Rick are being collected for a special memory box for his sons, RJ and Hunter. They can be sent to:

Mrs. Lori Biggs
c/o Patricia Tallman
6433 Topanga Canyon Blvd.
Canoga Park, CA 91303

Notes and letters are also being collected at The Galactic Gateway forum. Go to
http://www.thegalacticgateway.com/phpbb/ and post a note. Pat Tallman will be printing out the notes and taking them to the memorial service for the family.


A number of memorial efforts have begun. Special auctions are already underway at http://tinyurl.com/2az5w. Other efforts are listed at The Zocalo Today, http://www.isnnews.net.

Pat Tallman will be conducting a memorial event at The Galactic Gateway, so please visit the website to post a note and to get current information.